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25 Days of Cheer

The following is a guest post from Sarah Stanley. Sarah is a professional endurance athlete who is passionate about health, fitness, helping others and life. Project Cheer is inspiring people to do good for others. Follow her on Twitter @SarahStanley and/or @RunRideInspire and be inspired monthly & find out about future project by signing up for her newsletter!

April 16 2010 -  Sarah-25-2.jpg

The snow is falling. Pretty twinkling lights grace the outline of the homes. A picture perfect day. Or is it? Christmas day is almost here. Better have another cup of coffee (before 9am). Gifts to be purchased. People are honking their horns trying to get THE parking spot that is closest to the store entrance. Another ugly sweater to buy. And then in the blink of wrapping being thrown around like leaves in the wind, Christmas is over. We were so busy rushing around that we miss simple moments to help others.

And that's the concept behind 25 Days of Cheer also, called Project Cheer. What would it be like if each of use did one simple thing for someone everyday? While we should practice this every day of our life, I wanted to dedicate December 1 to December 25 by starting #ProjectCheer. Each day features one simple thing to do for someone else. It might be as simple as saying "good morning" or as complex as opening the door. Perhaps buying an extra pair of gloves while at the store and giving them to the next homeless person you see. Maybe its singing Christmas carols at a retirement home or children's hospital. Whatever it is, you can spread cheer. You just have to be aware of who is around you so you can spread the cheer.

Take a moment and head over to to see the cheer ideas that people from around the country have contributed And be sure to follow the series till December 25! And remember, spread the cheer!

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