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A Clothing Swap Accessorized with Doing Good!


Photo courtesy of: College Fashion

This past weekend, I spent my Saturday morning in an open field flea market, selling items I no longer needed, nor wanted. It's a lot of work to pack the items, get up before the sun rises, unpack and set up, but it's something I do with my best friend and to tell you the truth, it's fun. I love sending strangers off with something I know they'll enjoy and use. It makes me happy and as my father says about the transactions, "You're happy, they're happy, everybody's happy." My brilliant father.

This feeling of happiness though is easy to come by. Take for example, something I know will create this state of bliss - the first annual Fashion Swap and it's happening in D.C. this weekend from noon to 4 p.m. It's a simple idea with a big payoff. Bring some clothes you no longer wear/want/use, show up and swap them with another item. Whatever doesn't sell will be donated to Martha's Outfitters. So it's a win, win really.

Don't live near DC? No problem, you can organize your own clothing drive and donate your proceeds to charity too. First locate a charity in your area that needs clothing. Many Food Banks, like Martha's Kitchen, welcome clothing. You can search for one using the Feeding America site.

Once selected, reach out to your friends and let the fun begin!
Here are a few tips we found on the internet:

- Invite your friends and ask your friends to invite their friends
- About 10-15 people is the goal - aim for all shapes & sizes
- You can have this outside or indoors
- Have mirrors available
- If two people want the same item, you can have fun with this by either a coin toss, or having each person model the item of clothing and have a vote
- Be prepared - for a good time! You'll be surprised how much fun you'll have with a group of women trying on clothing!

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