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Blog Action Day 2010: Water + Food = Life


Photo courtesy of Buggrub

I could literally burst from all of the excitement this week! First, there was a UFO Sighting in New York then the miners were rescued in Chile and now... along with my colleagues at Create The Good; I get to participate in Blog Action Day 2010!

For those of you not familiar with Blog Action Day, it's an annual event that unites the world's bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day. The primary aim is to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion around an important issue that impacts us all. This year's important issue is... water!

AARP, as well as, Create the Good is currently focusing its efforts on alleviating hunger in older Americans. Well, hunger and water, go hand-in-hand.

I realize that some of you may not have given much thought to either issue, and that's what's so awesome about Blog Action Day! Now is your time to research the issues, dedicate some time for introspective thought, and hopefully you'll share with others. I've compiled a list of 5 reasons (3 for water and 2 for hunger) about why I care about the scarcity of water and the hunger that plagues the world.

1. Without clean water, we wouldn't have water parks
Sounds silly, but the thought of summertime fun without water parks sounds like a complete tragedy. We should do what we can to preserve the clean water we do have and educate others on what they can do to help. I'm thinking it could be a campaign called: "Love water parks? Keep our water clean!"

2. 6 million Americans age 60+ suffer from food insecurity
Don't feel bad if you're not familiar with the phrase "food insecurity." Luckily, Google is an amazing resource, and here's the definition:

food insecurity: refers to the lack of availability of food and one's access to it

To make ends meet, individuals who suffer from food insecurity might skip meals or buy processed food instead of fresh food. Steps should be taken to connect Americans who are 60+ with resources, so that they are meeting nutritional requirements to stay healthy.

3. Scarce water has been linked to the conflict in Darfur
Crazy, right? According to this article, scholars seem to be attributing the conflict in Darfur at least in part to lack of access to water! A report commissioned by the UN found that in the 21st century, water scarcity will become one of the leading causes of conflict in Africa. If you didn't think water was serious business, now you know.

4. Our nation's children are our future
According to Feeding America, the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity, 20% or more of the child population in 16 states and Washington, D.C., are living in food insecure households. When children go to school hungry, they cannot concentrate and perform at their best. We should strive to give them every possible opportunity to become successful contributors to society, and it all begins with access to plentiful, nutritional food options.

5. Clean water is a human right
In July, to address the water crisis, the United Nations declared access to clean drinking water and sanitation is a human right. When I first read this, my thought was, "Can we rewrite the Constitution, please?" I was never good at remembering all of the amendments, but I am good at being creative! I'm thinking I'll create my own list of amendments drawing from the Constitution just to make things a bit easier for purposes of memorization.

Remember, I've given you a challenge. Take the challenge, and tell your friends. We can collectively fix the problem, but everyone will have to do their part. Educate yourselves, share the knowledge, and take action!

Oh yeah... and don't forget about my campaign: Love water parks? Keep our water clean! A world without water parks is a sad place, indeed.

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