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Books, They do a Community Good.


Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Through a friend's encouragement I recently started reading the Twilight Saga, a series of four romance/action novels about a high school girl and her vampire boyfriend. The books are geared toward teens (as noted when the saleslady directed me to the Teen area of my local bookstore) but they're a quick read, compelling, and insanely addictive.

Buying these four 500-600-pages books, however, means that I need to make room on my already overstocked bookshelf. I've come to the conclusion that I'll never re-read half of these books again, other than my favorites ( Watership Down and Catcher in the Rye); most will just sit on my shelves as props.

Throwing the books away is not an option and although I could share my "used" reads with my friends, chances are they might sit on their shelves and collect dust just the same. Mulling over what to do, I came across Create The Good's How-to Hold a Used Book Sale Toolkit, which provides step-by-step instructions on how to hold a book sale and then donate the proceeds to a local charity. I love this idea! Not only would this encourage reading, send someone off with a new book (to him or her) but I'd also be supporting my community.

Have you ever held a used book sale? What books would you never part with? I think these Twilight books might be added to my favorites list. Move over Holden Caulfield, Edward Cullen is my new Catcher.

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