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Increase Your Positive Impact by Sharing Your Story

Increase Your Positive Impact by Sharing Your Story

This is a guest post by Emma Bundy. Emma Bundy is the Director of Marketing for and is passionate about empowering people to speak up about nonprofits doing great work.

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When we volunteer or donate to a nonprofit we're all hoping to make the biggest impact possible. Whether you volunteer an hour or two in a food pantry each month, or spend every Saturday planting trees around your neighborhood, you can make sure that the nonprofits you're involved with get the support they need to keep doing great work.

By taking just a few minutes to write a review of an organization you've supported on, you can help put the work of the nonprofit in front of thousands of potential donors and volunteers.

Your voice, as a passionate supporter, can tell the personal, human story of the nonprofit, and can help people looking to get involved connect with an organization that is making a difference. Moreover, your review helps give the nonprofit important feedback about what it's doing well and what could be improved. The organization can then use your review to promote its work to potential supporters and funders, and can internally incorporate your suggestions and compliments into their programs and initiatives.

GreatNonprofits is a place for people to discover, discuss, and learn about nonprofits. With over 50,000 reviews to date, GreatNonprofits is building a resource for the entire nonprofit community. You can help build that resource and give back in an important way by writing your review.

"Reviews can be as simple as a few sentences," says Perla Ni, Founder and CEO of GreatNonprofits. "It's not the length of the review or even how much time it takes to put it together; what matters is that it comes from a place of caring."

To share your story, write a review at If you are in search of a place to volunteer check out Create The Good.

Questions? Need help finding your nonprofit? Email Emma at

(Photo courtesy of Emma Bundy)

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