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Let's go #GoodSpotting this Holiday Season!

This is a guest post by Jean Case, CEO and co-founder of the Case Foundation. A passionate believer in all things digital and the potential of technology to change the world for the better, Jean and her team focus the efforts of the Foundation around many of the same entrepreneurial approaches she and her husband Steve cultivated throughout their business careers. The Case Foundation is recognized for its leadership in leveraging new technologies and applying innovative approaches to increase giving; catalyze civic and business participation; and promote innovation, collaboration and leadership in the nonprofit sector.


Last week the holiday season kicked into high gear. Now that Thanksgivng, Black Friday and Cyber Monday have passed, the holiday decorations are slowing going up in our neighborhoods, and the radio tuner is locked to the classic seasonal tunes.

But if you take a closer look, you'll see that the true spirit of the holidays is right in front of you: your neighbor shoveling his neighbor's driveway, your daughter's school hosting a canned food drive, or a friend running in a local 5K to raise money for charity. These are all acts of good. We're sure you've done some good things lately, too.

And that's why we would like to invite you to go #GoodSpotting with us..... MORE

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