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Military Families: How You Can Help


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With a new year dawning, a sweeping shift in political power and an economy still lurching to and fro, it is understandable that many Americans might forget, at least temporarily, that we are still at war.
But for military families - i.e. those whose loved ones are serving overseas or supporting our military efforts at home - there is no forgetting.
Every day renews the specter that a son, daughter, husband or wife will not be as lucky as he or she was yesterday. For many military families it takes more than a hopeful outlook to push through the deployment of a loved one.
And that's where you come in. No matter where you live, chances are that somewhere nearby a military family could use your support. Create The Good has a comprehensive guide on how to help a military family. Even if you have just a few minutes to spare every week, you can help, with everything from short errands to helping with child care and simply being available to talk. Check out the how-to guide for specifics.
For more inspiration, read how groups of mothers are supporting parents whose children are in the military, and take a look at AARP's rich content on veterans and their service to the U.S.
Do you have family members serving in the military or do you know a military family? Tell us your story - what works and what doesn't to help you through the uncertainty.

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