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"What Are You Doing for Others?"


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"Life's most urgent question is: What are you doing for others?" - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

January 17th will mark the 25th anniversary of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday and Create the Good offers many ways for you to make the day " a day of service, not a day off." Create The Good encourages you to spend the day engaging with your neighbors and giving back to your community.

You can start honoring the legacy of Dr. King today by visiting the Create The Good website. There, you can find or post ways to get in¬volved in activities that help neighbors and communities. With its robust searchable database you can find an activity that suits your schedule and your interests--whether you have 5 minutes 5 hours on MLK Day, it's all good.

Create The Good also has 30 toolkits to help you help others. Available in downloadable print and streamed video formats, these easy-to-use toolkits walk you through some simple steps to help a neighbor, your family, or local group save money on energy bills, organize information about their prescription drugs, start a walking group, or improve their lives in a number of other ways.

If you're on Facebook, RSVP to our MLK Day event and while you're there, be sure to LIKE us on Facebook and check out our new DO GOOD tab! Once you've completed your service activity, head back over to our tab and share your story with us!

What are your plans for MLK Day?

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