AARP Eye Center
Tune in to AARPLive
By Ian Cunningham, May 7, 2012 01:23 PM

Come check out the second episode of the new season of AARPLive on RFD-TV. We'll be live this time with a town hall meeting. If you're in the Nashville area, you can register to attend the program or call 877-926-8300. Of course you can also watch on RFD-TV at 10 p.m. Eastern/9 p.m. Central/8 p.m. Mountain/7 p.m. Pacific. If you don't get RFD-TV, you can watch the livestream on our Facebook page.
We'll be answering many questions about Medicare and Social Security. Join us, because you've earned a say.
Photo credit: Largeprime on Flickr.