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Want Tips for Staying Healthy as You Age? Don’t Miss Our May 19 Webinar

Mother and daughter
Mateusz Zagorski

Join us on Thursday, May 19, as we cohost an event showcasing the latest research on maintaining and improving health as we age. The webinar, which will commemorate the fifth anniversary of our collaboration with the University of Michigan in conducting the National Poll on Healthy Aging, will feature Debra Whitman, our executive vice president and chief public policy officer, and Vijeth Iyengar, director of global aging at AARP, among other experts.

The National Poll on Healthy Aging was launched in 2017 and periodically polls older adults to better understand their perspectives and those of their caregivers. The latest iteration, published last month, asked about aging in place and found that 88 percent of respondents believe it’s important to remain in one’s home for as long as possible. It also found that more than 1 in 5 (21 percent) of older adults had moved within the past five years — half of whom moved to a home that was easier to get around in.

Visit the University of Michigan’s Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation website for more information about registering for the webinar.

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