AARP Eye Center
Did You Get Your Flu Shot Yet?
By Ian Cunningham, December 3, 2012 02:54 PM

Have you gotten your flu shot? 'Tis the season, it's not over yet. This week is National Influenza Vaccination Week. You might think that if you haven't gotten your vaccination by now that there's no reason. You still should! A vaccination now can still help you against this season's flu.
According to the CDC, flu season usually peaks in February and can last until May. This is still plenty of time to get sick if you haven't gotten your shot. Check out this great map service to find the closest vaccination center to you. You can also test your knoweldge of influenza here at our AARP flu quiz.
Don't like shots? Fret not, there is a nasal spray version available to people aged 2 to 49 and not pregnant. Find out more information about NIVW at the CDC.
Don't forget to follow @CDCFlu on Twitter for updates! And, if you have questions about flu or flu vaccination, @CDCFlu is hosting a chat this Wednesday, December 5 from 1-2 p.m. ET where you interact with a CDC flu expert, Dr. Mike Jhung.
Photo Credit: Lance McCord on Flickr.