AARP Eye Center
Drug Take Back Day
By Kate Hays, October 17, 2011 09:00 AM

It's that time of year again; here on the East Coast, we're unpacking our sweaters, and doing a quick inventory of summer, a sort of fall cleaning. Do you do do a seasonal survey of your closet?
Maybe, in addition to that home cleaning, you should take a peek in that medicine cabinet of yours.
October 29th is Drug Take Back Day. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency will be collecting unneeded and expired medicines. Do you hold on to prescriptions for years (guilty!), or dump them down the toilet? Take this opportunity to safely dispose of your unused prescription drugs in a way that's good for the environment.
Learn more about Drug Take Back Day and find a location near you by going to the DEA's website.
Photo credit: macwagen via Flickr