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Kate Hays

I am not the hypochondriac sort; I don't assume that every symptom means something is desperately wrong. That said, I am a Google-er of symptoms both big and small; it's good to have all the info on your bod, right?
It's that time of year again; here on the East Coast, we're unpacking our sweaters, and doing a quick inventory of summer, a sort of fall cleaning. Do you do do a seasonal survey of your closet?
The changing of the seasons can spark the desire to change other things in our lives; your wardrobe, maybe your Medicare coverage?
Just this past week, I stopped by my local pharmacy and noticed that, in spite of the hot weather, the place was plastered with advertisements - "Get your flu shot here today!" While the weather seemed incongruent with the signage, flu season is definitely just around the corner.
Just so you know, I love tec hnology. Doing social media for AARP and other organizations, I rely daily on technology. From my iPhone to the 100s of software applications I could have running on my computer at any given time, my work and personal life revolves around it. I also do a lot less…
Once upon a time, we trusted that our doctors knew our all of our medications, and how they interacted. But now, trooping off to the cardiologist one day, and the gastroenterologist the next, with a side of psychiatrist? And what happens if, say, you forget to mention all the drugs you're taking to…
It takes about 5 seconds to figure out that Carole Carson is a force of nature.
Last night, it seemed the whole crowd was "Dancing on the Ceiling" as AARP's Life@50 crew took over the Nokia Center to hear music greats, Ramsey Lewis, Patty Austin, and Lionel Richie.
I'll tell you straight up: I don't know much about boxing. But given the chance to go to a Life@50 session, with Alzheimer's hero Leeza Gibbons interviewing a boxing great, I thought I'd learn a little something.
Are you 65, or fa st approaching it? There was a wealth of knowledge for you in yesterday's Life@50 University Session on Medicare.
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