AARP Eye Center
Insurance Refund: The Check Might Be In The Mail
By Candy Sagon, May 2, 2012 08:00 AM

Almost a third of people who bought their own insurance last year will get refunds averaging $127 under a provision of the new health care law, according to a new analysis of state data from the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit research group.
The checks are due consumers and businesses by Aug. 1, but the percentage of those who can expect the rebates varies widely by state, the foundation said.
In some states, like Vermont, Rhode Island, Iowa and Hawaii, less than one percent of consumers who bought policies will be due refunds.
But in Texas, 92 percent of consumers who purchased individual policies can expect to get rebates because their insurers spent too much of their premium payments on administrative costs and too little on actual medical care.
Under the federal law, insurance companies must spend at least 80 percent of the money they get from premiums on medical costs or quality improvements; the rest can go toward administrative costs and profits. However, if insurers set their premiums too high, then consumers are due either rebates in the form of checks or discounts off future premiums.
The purpose of the requirement, which went into effect last year, "isn't to generate rebates, but to force insurers to align their premiums more closely with their (medical) claims costs," health law expert Timothy Jost, a professor at Washington and Lee University School of Law, said in a statement.
"Each year, premium costs have gone up more than medical costs, so what the rule does is force insurers to be more efficient and, if they charge too much, to give some back," Jost said.
The report estimates that the rebates will total about $1.3 billion nationally. About 3.4 million people who bought their own coverage are expected to receive rebates from 215 insurance plans, according to the report.
Because the foundation based its analysis on preliminary estimates that insurers provided state regulators, actual rebate amounts may differ, the report's authors said.
The Wall Street Journal reports that the new estimates don't include the rebates that will be paid in California, because the state hasn't received filings from all health plans.
The biggest checks are due consumers in Alaska ($305 per person), Maryland ($294), Pennsylvania ($243) and Idaho ($241).
Insurers did a better job of pricing their policies sold directly to consumers in other states, including Hawaii, Maine and the District of Columbia, so no rebates are expected for individual consumers there.
For people who joined group health plans through their employers, where premium costs are shared by workers and the company, rebates generally will go to the employers. Depending on the details of the health plan and the type of employer, rebates in some cases may be passed along to employees, according to the report.
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