AARP Eye Center
Which Sunscreen Rates Best? Drugstore Brand A 'Best Buy'
By Candy Sagon, May 29, 2012 08:00 AM

Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of the summertime season -- do you have enough sunscreen?
Consumer Reports recently tested 18 popular brands and although none were rated excellent in all categories, several were very good and a drugstore brand even earned a "best buy" rating.
Two brands failed to meet testing standards for adequate protection, including a kids' sunscreen.
Even though new rules to simplify sunscreen labels have been delayed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration until December, Consumer Reports used the new standards to make its assessments.
The FDA rules include requiring products that claim "broad spectrum protection" -- meaning they protect against against both UVB and UVA rays - to pass a "critical wave" test, which Consumer Reports included in its product testing.
Seven of the sunscreens passed the critical wave test and were rated "very good" against UVA rays -- which age skin and can cause skin cancer -- and excellent against UVB rays, which cause sunburn.
For effective protection that's easy on the budget, the Los Angeles Times reported that the consumer magazine gave "best buy" kudos to two less expensive brands: No-Ad with Aloe & Vitamin E SPF 45 at a thrifty 59 cents an ounce and Walgreens Continuous Spray Sport SPF 50 at $1.30 an ounce.
(The most expensive -- La Roche-Posay Anthelios 40 with Mexoryl SX SPF 40 -- cost a whopping $20 an ounce, but scored much lower than No-Ad.)
Because the FDA is investigating the possible risk of inhaling spray sunscreens, Consumer Reports recommends against using sprays on kids, especially on their face. If used, spray on hands first before applying to the face.
Other Consumer Reports results:
* Rated best: All Terrain AquaSport SPF 30 lotion rated best, scoring 88 of 100 possible points.
*Also top-rated: Banana Boat Clear UltraMist Sport Performance Activity Dry Protect SPF 30; Coppertone Oil Free Foaming SPF 75+; Coppertone Sport High Performance Ultra Sweatproof SPF 30; and eco All-Natural Sunscreen Body SPF 30. These products were rated excellent for UVB protection and very good for UVA protection.
* Failed: Two brands flunked the FDA's critical wave test, meaning they don't provide protection against both UVA and UVB rays: Alba Botanica Natural Very Emollient Sunblock Sport SPF 45 and Banana Boat Kids Tear-Free Sting-Free SPF 50+. (A better choice for children would be Coppertone Water Babies SPF 50, which ranked excellent for UVB protection and very good for UVA.)
* Remember: SPF stands for the product's Sun Protection Factor against sunburn-causing UVB rays. Use a sunscreen that is water-resistant with an SPF of at least 30. Above 30, you get little extra protection.
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Photo credit: Sunbathers in Maryland, 1943, by Esther Bubley, courtesy