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More Than Just a Number


Members of Congress will be returning to Washington DC next week after a month-long recess. How about we give them a nice welcome-back present?
AARP is delivering photos to Congress to show them the faces of real people who are counting on them to protect Social Security from unfair cuts.
Add your face to our photo petition and show Congress one more reason why they must fight to strengthen Social Security: YOU.
It's easy and only takes a minute!
It's critical that Congress knows you care about protecting Social Security - and that you're counting on them to protect it from cuts.
When I picture Social Security, I see my parents who earned their benefits over a lifetime of hard work. I see my daughters, who deserve a secure future.
But these days, Washington is more focused on the bottom line than the people that Social Security protects.
We need to make it clear to Congress that cutting Social Security impacts more than just a line in the federal budget. Send in your photo today!

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