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Notable News for January 6

Have you thought about how much money you think you'll need for health care expenses when you retire? If not, check out this statistic from AARP cited in a Time article today: 62% of baby boomers have not fully accounted for health care costs in retirement planning. No wonder - according to the article, "A healthy 65-year-old couple should plan on $305,000 in out-of-pocket health costs during their retirement, according to a study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute."
And speaking of retirement planning, here's another great article from U.S. News and World Report that discusses, candidly, the problems with retirement planning software. While these kinds of programs can be helpful, there are things you need to look out for - like unrealistic rates of return and unexpected life events. Check out the article for the whole list.
Finally - here's a fun one from Entertainment Weekly - look at all the celebs who will be turning 50 this year! The list includes Bono, Jennifer Grey and Jeanne Claude Van Damme...hopefully they know about all the benefits of an AARP membership...!

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