AARP Eye Center
Are You Ready to Go Back to Titanic?
By Jen Martin, April 14, 2012 07:00 AM
I am a Titanic junkie. And I'm not just talking about the movie, which I've seen like, 786 times. (Okay I'm slightly exaggerating, but I did spend several hours waffling over the perfect headline for this blog using a quote from the movie. Since I can pretty much recite the whole flick, it took about 2 hours and 20 minutes to find the right one). I digress...I'm fascinated, compelled rather, with its story - the tragic, yet perfect melody of errors which led to where it lays, 2.5 miles below the ocean floor.
So naturally, with the 100-year anniversary of its sinking, I felt I had to share some of the things that have caught my eye this week. Everyone it seems is jumping on the Titanic ship, obviously, so it's easy to get lost in the clutter of the news reports, tweets, television specials and photos - particularly the ones that show the ship resting on the ocean floor covered in what looks like rust. Did you know it's not really rust?
I think what fascinated me the most, was the "Titanic: The Final Word With James Cameron" that aired on the National Geographic channel last week. In it, Cameron admitted that he got the dramatic ship sinking portion of the film wrong. Yup, James Cameron made a BOO BOO. But not a big one. On the "broader strokes," as he said in the show, he was correct. But, he still got it wrong.
And you can see what he's talking about here:
The video is fascinating. It's Cameron's rebuttal to his own previous thought of how the ship sank, which it now seems was far less dramatic than the 1997 blockbuster.
My favorite find this week were the Titanic survivor stories on the BBC Archive page. I spent many hours listening to the compilation of recordings (from officers and passengers) and wondered how horrible that night must have been for them.
One survivor, Eva Hart, was seven years old when the ship hit the iceberg on April 14, 1912. She recalls the fear her mother had of the ship, the details of the deck, meeting the captain and hitting the iceberg. "I was terrified. I would have been an idiot not to (know something bad had happened.)"
UPDATED: This morning (April 15th) I came across a video ribbon on The Today Show website. There are many videos throughout, so be sure to click on them all, particularly remarks from relatives of the survivors. sure to catch the History channel's show tonight at 8 p.m. ET - "Titanic at 100 - Mystery Solved."
And if you really can't get enough Titanic, follow these accounts on Twitter: Titanic Real Time - where you can experience the ship's journey minute by minute and the RMS Titanic Inc - which gives snippets of Titanic trivia.
Likely, I'll settle down tonight, with my box of tissues (because even though I know what's coming, I still cry) and watch Titanic for the 787th time. But if you can't take anymore of the Kate and Leo love story, you can check out these other Titanic movies.
What's your favorite Titanic factoid or movie moment? What have you seen this week that really captured your interest?