AARP Eye Center
Dating again
By Gabriela Zabalua, May 17, 2011 05:35 PM

Once the dust settles after a 20-year marriage ends, the question hits: What now?
Like Segunda, I, too, have begun dating again-the last time was when I was 20. Lucky Segunda has several suitors vying for her attention: The tall Cuban architect. The jet-setting American tech-geek. The German "Mister Clean." Segunda's family, especially Lady Piola, apparently has a say in who stays and who goes. (My own Poe, too, is a great judge of character.)
But Segunda and I both need some help at this stage of our lives. We've scoured the discussion sparked by AARP VIVA's Latinos Are Luckier in Love study and now we want to hear from you.
Who do you think Segunda should date first? Do you have any dating advice? Are you recently divorced and nervous about dating? Or are you happily married or in a long-term relationship and want to share the keys to your happiness?
My fingers are poised over the keyboard and, starting this week, I'll respond directly to your posts here. Come back for a visit! We'll all be waiting for you.
Un abrazo,