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Gabriela Zabalua

Lupe Ontiveros cleaned toilets, terrorized her daughter-in-law and killed Tejana superstar Selena - all in the movies, of course. She poured her soul into every role, bringing respect and dignity to the poorest maid, humor and heart to the most despised character.
"Did my wife put you up to this?" Carlos Fuentes asked me when I insisted he wear a tie for our (AARP VIVA's) on-camera interview and cover photo shoot. Fuentes, an elegant soul, a gentleman, and a literary master, was also stubborn as a mule. I say this partly as a compliment, for I too am…
In the last post, Segunda and I continued our quest to negotiate the mountains and molehills of dating. I decided to step outside my comfort zone and placed a call to the German "Mr. Clean," the suitor who stood out for his rugged good looks and sense of adventure. Not only did he answer my call,…
En la última publicación, Segunda y yo continuamos tratando de ver cómo manejar las "montañas" y los "granos de arena" de las citas románticas. Finalmente, decidí salir de mi "cascarón" y llamar al alemán, "Sr. Pulcritud", el pretendiente que se destacó por su recia hermosura y su espíritu…
Do opposites really attract?
¿Se atraen verdaderamente los polos opuestos?
Just as Segunda's and my own health and finances seemed to be in tip-top shape, as if on cue, our work lives demanded attention. Maybe this is the way life will always unfold for those of us trying to live our second youth better than our first. For me, it meant taking my newfound energy and…
Justo cuando la salud y las finanzas de Segunda y mías parecían estar en su mejor forma, como a propósito, nuestro trabajo nos demanda una gran atención. Tal vez así es como la vida suele presentarse a quienes estamos tratando de vivir nuestra segunda juventud mejor que la primera. Para mí,…
Morning coffee with relationship guru Dante, lunch at the corner bistro with Yogi Bean, facials with daughter Angelita, organic chicken with Lady Piola - these small pleasures in Segunda's life have led to a large monthly credit card bill. Last week, Segunda and I realized the price we had to pay…
Taking a revitalizing vacation, working out and eating well have started to pay big dividends for Segunda and Lady Piola. Their slimmed-down reflections in boutique windows are sparkling and, more importantly, they're feeling vibrant (though a bit sore). Next, the mighty duo decides to exercise…
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