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Celebrating Father's Day

With Father's day quickly approaching, I want to take a moment and discuss family. I believe there is nothing more powerful on Earth than family and home. Home is not just our physical address. It's who we are and where we belong; there are different elements that can make up a family and a home.

I can tell you from this unexpected journey last year that how The Tuohy's have historically thought of "family" has changed and continues to become a beautiful picture that I think is contributing to the success of our society today.

Father and Son

Family isn't just a mother, father and 2.2 children. This Sunday remember to thank those wonderful men that might not have contributed to your birth but are responsible for the person that you are.

In my life there are many. My father Stanley Charles Roberts, was responsible for much of who I am; he was a role model each and every day. He always told me that "it is not important what others choose but it is important what you choose."

I think we all have men that have touched our lives in a special way and have given us fatherly advice that has helped us make those good choices. It might have been a coach, a teacher, a law enforcement officer, a family friend, an uncle, a cousin, a brother, but it wasn't always your biological father.

Turn around this Father's Day and thank those special men that have nurtured us, encouraged us, supported us and helped us make good decisions and good choices in our own journey of life. Show them that you now care about their problems, listen to their stories, and hear their fears. Remember one day you will be a memory to someone, I hope you will be a good one because with one small gesture you can change someone's life for the better and Father's Day is the perfect day to be the difference this world needs to see.

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @LeighAnneTuohy and play #TuohyTrivia on Tuesdays for a chance to win a $25 donation to the charity of your choice for answering the question correctly.

Photo credit: disgustipado

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