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Making Aging in Place More Feasible

Have you heard of this innovative device from Intel called Health Guide? Read about it in this article from BusinessWeek. It's a device that was being piloted this year to help in the mission to allow seniors to age in place - where they are most comfortable. The Health Guide is like a remote doctor's office that a patient can handle by themselves. It even includes a video phone for patients to chat with their nurse or doctor when anything seems amiss. Check out the article - could be the future of caregiving!
We also told you about the Wall Street Journal's series "Laid off and Looking" previously; and today's guest blogger on the series is talking about looking for work in your 50s. The blogger talks about how so much experience in your pocket can actually work against you in your job search. Have you been searching fruitlessly for employment and found that age is affecting you? Share your "looking for work" stories here and on WSJ's blog.
Have a great weekend.

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