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Need A Sweet Treat?

It's Monday...and it's raining cats and dogs here in DC, so I need a sweet treat to brighten my day. I love to bake and have a serious sweet tooth so I thought I'd pass along this savory and sweet easy-to-make recipe for homemade turtles! I found this on one of my favorite blogs Twig & Thistle.
What do you need? A bag of mini pretzels, pecan halfs and a pack of Rolos. Yes. I said Rolos.

make turtles.jpg

1) On a cookie sheet, arrange the pretzels then place a Rolo on top of each one. Bake at 220 F. for 2 minutes.
2) Remove from the oven and immediately start placing the Pecans on top and pushing them down, squishing the Rolos.
3) Enjoy!

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