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Presidential Candidates Chat at AARP Convention

Tomorrow morning Senators McCain and Obama will be speaking to 25,000 AARP members, volunteers and 50 plusers via live satellite. Each presidential hopeful will chat with AARP CEO, Bill Novelli about the issues and topics that our members, and you, our readers, are telling us matter most this election cycle.
We recently asked folks to submit their questions for the candidates so that we can share them with Mr. Novelli and the campaign teams. So far, you have sent us 12,000 questions! We think it's great, so keep sending questions our way!!
Click here to watch Senator Obama at 8:30 a.m. ET tomorrow (Saturday, September 6th).
Click here to watch Senator McCain at 12:30 p.m. ET tomorrow (Saturday, September 6th).
If you don't catch their chats in real-time, feel free to visit anytime this weekend to watch them at your convenience. After you're done watching, come back to Shaarp Session and tell us what you think!

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