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Should I Stay or Should I Go?

There is a really great piece on today addressing the big question for boomers: where do you want to spend the rest of your life??
The choices are literally endless, and the article does a great job piecing together the issues you should address when making this big decision, and focuses on the pros and cons of everything from staying in the same home where you raised your children, to hitting the road and relocating to a completely new city.
AARP's Nancy Thompson is featured in the piece, weighing in with AARP findings, including ways to make your home viable for aging in place, and even suggested cities where retirees may find their happiness (check out Portland, Ore. and its light rail system!).
The author even spends some time looking at life on the road - living in an RV! I'm not sure that would be the life for me, but for an adventuresome boomer, it very well could be the best idea yet.
Check out the whole article for all the great tips and advice on making the decision on where to live out your retirement years. There are lots of things to consider - don't forget your spouse and his or her opinion - and plenty of time to consider it all. But the faster you decide where to have your fun, the faster it can begin.

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