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Thanksgiving Eve and the Family's All Here

I've been seeing a lot of news stories - from Good Morning America segments to this story on the Wall Street Journal's site - about the increase in "boomerang kids," that is, adult children who are moving back home to their parents' home amid the recession. Now, as excited as I am to head home for Thanksgiving, I don't have any desire to be "under my dad's roof" again any time soon... But according to the WSJ and a Pew Research survey, one in ten adults ages 18-35 have moved back in with mom and dad because of the poor economy. That seems like a lot of boomerangs!
Do you have adult children that are moving back home for any reason? The studies say that people are also delaying marriage and starting their own families until times are most stable. Is this a good idea? Is it an instance of short term sacrifice for long-term gain?
Whether or not your family is traveling the country to spend Thanksgiving together or if everyone is waking up in the same house to celebrate, we hope you have a happy Thanksgiving. Be safe, and enjoy your old traditions tomorrow... or start a new one!
We'll catch up again next week.

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