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The First Date and Spirituality

Segunda meeting his first suitor

Maybe it was the whir of the jet engine that convinced Segunda-who, like me, adores traveling-to choose the American jet-setting tech geek as her first date.

It remains to be seen whether this suitor will be allergic to Lady Piola. But it does seem Segunda's poodle has had a "reaction" to him! Is protective Lady Piola sniffing out something Segunda can't see?

I have a secret: My own Poe reacted exactly the same to one of my first dates after the divorce. After 20 years of marriage, dating isn't always easy, but Poe brings a bit of levity to it. How has your pet helped you through hard times? Or made happy times even better? Does dating in your second youth necessarily involve the entire family?

The question is: Will this jet-setter leave his engine on idle long enough to see if a relationship can take off? And with Segunda's hectic lifestyle, will she take the time to connect when, as poster mooninthewater notes, we're living "24/7, full-throttle lifestyles." I know my fast-paced life has gotten in the way of budding relationships. More on that later...

Meanwhile, the jet setter is heading off to Salvador de Bahia to visit its churches-one for each day of the year. Segunda and I will stay here attempting to connect with our own spirituality, and maybe do a little shoe shopping.

Until next week, un abrazo


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