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Two Great Summaries of the Health Debate - Must Reads

I saw these two articles promoted on the "Moderate Voice" and thought I'd share them. Both give great overviews of the state of the health reform debate. I'd highly recommend them for people looking for some easy primers on what is at stake and some factual information - rather than emails filled with myths and untruths. Both articles ratchet down the rhetoric and give some solid summations of the legislation and controversial pieces of the debate.
Wall Street Journal - "Ten Questions on the Health Care Overhaul"
"It is crunch time for health care. Lawmakers who are trying to fundamentally remake one-sixth of the U.S. economy say this might be the most complicated legislation they have undertaken.
Here are some basics that everyone can grasp -- and probably ought to, because the health bill, if it passes, will affect almost everyone."
Read more here -
New York Times - "A Primer on the Details of Health Care Reform"
"Each side hopes to win ground by boiling down one of the most complex policy discussions in history into digestible nuggets. For beachside viewers who might be more interested in iced-tea service than fee-for-service, here is a guide to the main fight points."
Read the entire piece here -
In addition, in the wake of the debate and comments over the potential "demise" of the public option, there is a nice analysis of the situation by Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight at
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