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Listen to Our Latest Tele-Town Hall on COVID-19 and Mental Health

Live Q&A on Coronavirus: Omicron, Vaccines and Mental Wellness

COVID anxiety and fatigue have taken a toll on the mental health of millions of Americans. We sat down with Samantha Farro, licensed psychologist at the University of Colorado; Cameron Webb, M.D., a senior policy advisor to the White House COVID-19 Response Team; and Alex Mahadevan, program manager at MediaWise, to discuss ways to cope in a national Tele-Town Hall on Thursday.

Farro stressed the importance of exercise, a good night’s sleep and getting into a daily routine to support mental health. “There is a tremendous amount that we can do in terms of protecting our mental health and mitigating depression symptoms through the use of creating and maintaining healthy daily routines,” she said.

Webb discussed specifics of how Medicare recipients can get up to eight free at-home COVID tests every month. Listen to a recording of the event.

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