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You Did It! CNN Presses Candidates on Social Security
By John Hishta, March 11, 2016 09:47 AM
Your voices were heard. Last night, CNN Republican debate moderator Jake Tapper responded to the 140,000 AARP members who signed our petition and others who tweeted suggested questions by asking every candidate about their plan for the future of Social Security.
Last week, AARP’s Take a Stand campaign delivered petitions to Fox News and CNN urging the networks to ask the candidates a question about how they would update Social Security for future generations. Our AARP Florida team also did an amazing job pushing the issue on the ground in Miami. Three debates and one town hall later, CNN finally asked the question — and all but one of the candidates gave specifics.
Take a Stand. Get the latest information about who has a plan for Social Security »
Ted Cruz said we should raise the retirement age, reduce the rate of growth of benefits for younger workers and allow private accounts.
John Kasich said we should reduce benefits for higher-income workers.
Marco Rubio said we should gradually raise the retirement age, and reduce benefits for higher-income workers.
Donald Trump said, “I want to leave Social Security as is. We will get rid of waste, fraud and abuse.”
That’s not a plan.
Trump now with a 5th crack at entitlement reform. No answer, no substance. #GOPdebate — Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) March 11, 2016
I’m so confused. Is Trump saying we’ll pull troops out of the DMZ and Germany to save Social Security? #GOPDebate — S.E. Cupp (@secupp) March 11, 2016
@MarcoRubio is lucid, persuasive on fixing/saving Social Security. @realDonaldTrump lying, flat out, to say the program can survive “as is” — Michael Medved (@MedvedSHOW) March 11, 2016
Leaving Social Security “as is” is not an option. If our leaders fail to act, future retirees could lose up to $10,000 per year.
Voters deserve to hear specifics from Donald Trump, not sound bites.
A question at one debate is great, but we need all journalists to keep pressing the candidates on Social Security so we can have a national debate about how to update it for future generations.
For Cruz, Rubio and Kasich, the media should press them on what the changes they’re proposing would mean for voters and their families.
Sign our petition. Tell the TV debate hosts to ask about the candidates' Social Security plans!
For Donald Trump, the question is: What would he really do to make Social Security financially sound and ensure it provides adequate retirement income?
Go to Take a Stand for a real-time feed of the candidates’ statements on Social Security.
John Hishta is the AARP senior vice president of campaigns. Follow him on Twitter @jhishta.
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