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App of the Week: Groupon


Groupon - an amalgam of "group coupon" - has been taking over the country lately, including one incredibly attractive buyout offer by some other company you may've heard of. Simple concept - local business wants to get you in their doors, offers a really good, one-time deal; Groupon sends out an entertaining email telling you the details, you say - oh, I've been meaning to check that out! and tell your friends, while you're at it. The "groupon" only activates once enough people have bought it, and you're not charged until that happens. Win for you, win for business.
Here's my only problem. Most of those businesses want a printed copy of that coupon. Paper escapes me. Can't hang on to it, can't keep it organized, and when I walk by Cafe Whatever and remember that I bought that Groupon (or any coupon) weeks ago, I sure don't have it on me. Enter the app. Simple, effective, it both lets me buy deals in any city (great for traveling) and most importantly, use my purchased Groupons just like I had printed them out.

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