AARP Eye Center
Champ of the Week
Steven P. Smith is our DWF Champ of the Week
Divided We Fail is proud to recognize Steven P. Smith, from Boston, as this week's DWF "Champ of the Week". Steven posted an encouraging message on our Divided We Fail Facebook Fan Page, where he calls on America to "work to assure health and financial security for all."
Thanks Steven for your commitment to DWF and for being an engaging member on our social network pages!
You too could be named Champ of the Week by joining the active discussions on our Facebook and MySpace fan pages! The lifeline of this initiative depends on raising millions of voices and making sure our political leaders hear what America has to say... so get talking!
TAGS: Divided We Fail, DWF, Facebook, MySpace, Steven P. Smith, Boston, health care, financial security, social network, Champ of the week, Champ, politics