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Goodbye, Desktop. Hello, Apps

If you're not reading this on your smartphone or tablet, you will be soon.

We're in the midst of a revolution in digital media, and a new report offers two striking findings:

  • Most of us are using desktop computers less and mobile platforms more.
  • And those who spend most of their "digital media time" using apps outnumber those who don't.

The report, by the Internet analytics company comScore, breaks down the use of mobile media and apps by age. No surprise: Facebook, YouTube and Pandora Internet Radio dominate every age group; in fact, Facebook leads the pack by substantial margins, especially among those 35 and older.

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In the 55-plus group, Facebook and Facebook Messenger account for more than 20 percent of app usage ("Share of Mobile App Time Spent"), eight times as much as Pandora.

App usage among 55+

Three apps make the top 10 only in the 55-plus group:

  • Yahoo Mail
  • Words With Friends
  • Solitaire

iPhone Group Convo
Kik Messenger

So what apps are younger people using? Here's a rundown:

  • Kik, a messaging app with a built-in browser that lets you share video, images and sketches with others. It's especially big with the 18- to 24-year-olds.
  • iFunny:), which lets you share pictures, videos and comics with others. It's also popular with the youngest users.
  • Viggle, which lets users earn rewards by watching TV or listening to music in a social media environment. This one is right behind Netflix in the 35-54 age group.

If you're not already having fun with the photo app Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) or the "now-you-see-it-now-you-don't" messaging app Snapchat (which spurned a $3 billion takeover offer from - seeing a pattern here? - Facebook), two other apps that are especially popular among younger users, download them and give them a try.

In some related news about digital entertainment, the Washington Post reports that "the number of female gamers age 50 and older increased by 32 percent from 2012 to 2013," and that adult women game-players now outnumber teenage boys by 36 percent to 17 percent. The statistics are in a new report from the Entertainment Software Association.

What apps do you use regularly? What games are you playing? Tell us below in comments.

 Graph: Courtesy of comScore

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