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Your Facebook News Feed is About to Change (Again)

Let's get the hard part out of the way: Sometime in the next few days, what you see on your Facebook homepage - or News Feed - will look a lot different.

Not again! Yeah, we know. Here's the good news: It seems a whole lot easier on the eyes. You'll notice much bigger photos and less clutter. Here's two things we think you'll notice first.

First, let's say you shared a photo. Below, left, is how it looked in the old News Feed - and on right, you can see the new version:

Facebook newsfeed changed photo March 2013

Second, are you frustrated that you're not seeing your friends' updates in your News Feed? Would you like to see more photos? Just your friends? Or just the pages you like - the restaurants, local businesses, and pages like AARP? Now, you can pick from a few options...

New filters Facebook newsfeed March

If your Facebook homepage changes, let us know what you think in the comments. We'll keep an eye on this  - bookmark this page for all of our Facebook coverage.


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