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We’re Partnering With the U.N. to Raise Awareness of Age and Gender Inequality

Tune in March 15 for our AARP-United Nations Briefing — a virtual event featuring officials from the U.N., the White House and other organizations aimed at promoting age and gender equality.

The event, titled “Shameful Contrast: Inequality at the Intersection of Age and Gender,” will highlight discrimination faced by older women around the world. Women represent just 27 percent of people in management positions globally, according to the World Economic Forum, and a larger share of women than men lost their jobs during the first year of the pandemic. Job losses hit older workers harder than younger ones.

Presenters at the 15th annual AARP-United Nations Briefing will discuss how to close gaps in education, health care access and earning potential. The event kicks off Tuesday, March 15, at 8 a.m.

View the full schedule and sign up at

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