AARP Eye Center
Stop the Sequester (Wait ... What's a Sequester?)
By Kim Keister, February 22, 2013 10:33 AM

The major budget cuts looming on March 1 are a bad idea, whether you know much about them or not.
That's one takeaway from a new poll by the Pew Research Center and USA Today on issues that are likely to dominate the political landscape this year.
By a 9 point margin (49 to 40 percent), those polled favored finding a way around the $85 billion in spending cuts scheduled for military and most domestic programs - known in Washington as the " sequester." There was little difference between the response of those under age 50 and those 50 and older.
Asked how much they've heard about the sequester, 27 percent said "a lot"; 43 percent said "a little"; and 29 percent said "nothing at all."
Here, though, there was a clear difference by age:
Those who have heard "a lot" about the sequester?
- Under age 50: 19 percent
- 50 and older: 37 percent.
Have heard "nothing at all"?
- Under age 50: 35 percent
- 50 and older: 21 percent.
The poll also asked how Congress and President Obama should reduce the budget deficit in the coming months.
- Spending cuts only: 19 percent
- Tax increases only: 3 percent
- A combination: 76 percent
There was no significant difference between those under 50 (less informed about the sequester) and 50 and older (more informed about the sequester) .
Common sense, I'm guessing, cuts across all age lines.