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11 Things We Didn't Know Last Week

News, discoveries and fun ...



1. Dolphins are 10 times stronger than the fittest humans. (Learn more at Discovery)

2. A spandex suit that combats slipped disks in astronauts might also help people on Earth with lower-back problems. (Learn more at Mashable) (hat tip to Mike Kulick)


3. One percent of the world's population controls half the wealth. (Learn more at NPR)


4. The Peace Corp's oldest volunteer, 80, is winding up her assignment in South Africa. (Learn more at  AARP)

Vivian Davis-art
Vivian Davis, Peace Corps volunteer

5. Comedians and psychotics share many personality traits. (Learn more at Mother Jones)

6. Hershey's is helping develop a 3D printer that creates edible chocolate. (Learn more at

7. One out of five Americans says the biggest problem facing the nation is the government. (Learn more at  AARP)

8. During flu season, a fist bump is safer than a handshake. (Learn more at ABC News)

Dalai Lama Fist Bump

9. Actor Jonah Hill made only $60,000 for his Oscar-nominated performance in The Wolf of Wall Street. (Learn more at EOnline)

Jonah Hill and Leonardo DiCaprio in Wolf of Wall Street

10. Mixed breeds will appear at this year's Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show for the first time. (Learn more at Yahoo)

11. What you say on Twitter can land you in court. (Learn more at ABC News)

Bonus Video:

Making snow for the Olympics, via National Geographic:

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On Twitter, we're using the hashtag   #11things.

Images - Dolphin: Getty Images; Space Suit: NASA-Waldie; We Are 99%: net_efekt/Flickr; Vivian Davis: Photo courtesy of Peace Corps; Dalai Lama fist bump: Sirensongs/Flickr; Jonah Hill and Leonardo DiCaprio: YouTube 'Wolf of Wall Street' Trailer;

Music: Longitudinal exploitation by Relias, via SoundCloud


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