AARP Eye Center
Fish Oil Pills: No Help Against Mental Decline
By Candy Sagon, June 14, 2012 08:00 AM

If you've been buying omega-3 fish oil pills to help prevent mental decline as you age, save your money.
Better yet, use that money to buy real fish. A new analysis of fish oil research finds that omega-3 fatty acid capsules don't provide any protection against declines in thinking and memory skills among older adults.
As Reuters reports, the theory has been that because the brain is rich in the type of polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish oil, adding more fish oil to the diet would help the brain and protect against the changes that lead to mental decline.
But in a review of three of the biggest, best studies lasting between six months and three years, researchers found there was no difference in changes on learning and memory tests among more than 3,500 cognitively healthy people over the age of 60 who took either omega-3 fish oil supplements or sunflower or olive oil as a comparison.
Based on the evidence, "taking supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids is not going to benefit cognitive health later in life,"Alan Dangour, a nutrition researcher from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, who worked on the new analysis, told Reuters.
"The truth is many people are spending a lot of money on supplements without solid evidence they do something," said Nikolaos Scarmeas, M.D., a neurology and aging researcher at Columbia University Medical Center in New York.
Keep in mind that the new findings don't rule out a potential benefit in some people, or that a longer study would show some benefit.
Researchers also stressed that although fish oil capsules do not appear to prevent dementia, eating fish is still good for your heart.
"While taking omega-3 supplements may not be the key to staving off cognitive problems, eating a healthy balanced diet, including fish and other natural sources of omega-3, is important for maintaining good health," Marie Janson, M.D., a researcher with Alzheimer's Research UK, told BBC News.
So what fish should you be adding to your menu? According to the researchers, "oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines are a rich source of omega-3, important for brain development."
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