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Alejandra Owens

Photo by John Moore/Getty Images
In case you didn't catch AARP's Legislative Policy Director, David Certner, on The O'Reilly Factor last night, here's the clip.
From Pete Jeffries, National Campaign Consultant to Divided We Fail
Our own Drew Nannis took to the pages of the Washington Examiner to respond to an editorial the Examiner ran earlier this week.
From our Health Care Action Now campaign, where you can find more info.
From AARP Spokesperson Andrew Nannis:
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) recently authored an article in National Review Online on the current health reform debate in Washington in which he argues:
There's been some rumors lately about a memo from Speaker Pelosi's office and what it says about AARP and other groups. Drafts of this memo have been posted on various blogs. Last night ShaarpSession called the Speaker's office directly to clear it up for ourselves and were told that what has been…
AP just ran a piece on some of the very distortions we're finding in our Health Care Reform Myths and Facts series:
Some special interest groups have been spreading misinformation to folks in the hopes of killing health care reform legislation; in short, they perpetuate myths and use scare tactics to make people think that reform is a bad idea. (For example, like the contention that health care reform would…
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