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Bob Stephen

Over the past few weeks, I've written about the gaming study by Dr. Jennifer Jacobs Henderson, associate professor and department chair, and Dr. Aaron Delwiche, associate professor, of the Department of Communication at Trinity University. For the final installment in this series, I want to focus…
I've been writing about the landmark gaming study by Dr. Jennifer Jacobs Henderson, associate professor and department chair, and Dr. Aaron Delwiche, associate professor, of the Department of Communication at Trinity University. Their study is based on over 32,000 users of Wizard101, an online…
Over 60 percent of Americans over the age 50 are grandparents. But, as the average age of a first-time grandparent in the United States is 48, there are also a number of grandparents under 50, too. So, grandparents are something we feel is important to understand at AARP. We know that grandparents…
In my last blog post, I described a very large study of 32,000 users of the free online multiplayer game, Wizard101.
At a conference last year, several of us at AARP had the chance to hear about the ways in which the 50-plus and those not quite 50 find benefits in playing online multiplayer games. There are several parts of that last statement that tend to elicit pushback from others - first, many believe online…
My second child is learning to drive. In our state one of the requirements for driver education is for the student and a parent to attend a 90-minute seminar on safe driving. I'll admit that I was not looking forward to attending this session, but left having learned far more than I imagined…
We are currently in the midst of completing the college search for one son and beginning the college search for our second son. We've needed a crash course to keep up with the application and search process these days but the savings work had started years earlier. While most of the work falls to…
By way of introduction, I am both AARP's Vice President of Home and Family and among the first members of Generation X. My role at AARP involves working with all of my co-workers to make sure that we know what issues are important to the fifty plus around home and family and working to address…
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