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David Whitehead

It's hurricane season.
By now, you may have heard of Nancy Davis. Nancy lives in Moore, Oklahoma and yes, her house was destroyed by the recent tornado that devastated several Oklahoma communities. Like many, she is reeling from the aftermath and will, no doubt, for some time.
When you wake up in the morning, do you think to yourself, "I'm so excited, because today I get to... (fill in the blank)?
News reports have captured the magnitude of the devastation left by "superstorm" Sandy. The impact continues to increase as word begins to spread of personal loss and tragedy. A dire tale that I fear will grow worse in the coming days and weeks:
Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world, was recently quoted as saying "We have seen donations for a hundred years ... and the problems and poverty are bigger. They have not solved anything." I'm perplexed by this statement.
As your typical husband, I sometimes find myself asking, "I wonder why my wife does it that way? It would be a lot more efficient if..." As if the value I bring to our marriage is to help her be more efficient. What a mistake. That is not it (and the subject of an entirely different blog), and I…
As a Boomer, I have often shared my disappointment with my own generation on its performance and commitment to philanthropy. We have a lot to learn from the preceding generation -- the greatest generation -- that not only recognizes the importance of giving and giving back, but sees it as a…
A few weeks ago, I shared some thoughts on how to cut back on the mail/email you receive from well intentioned organizations. There were some excellent comments from readers that pointed out some additional issues that may increase the volume of mail or emails you receive. So, here are some…
"Why do I get so much fundraising mail?"
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