Jana Lynott, AICP, MP, was a senior strategic policy advisor at the AARP Public Policy Institute. Her areas of expertise include livable communities, transportation, and land use planning and policy.
By automating trip scheduling in a system rightsized for the real-life strengths and constraints of rural nonprofits, RideSheet frees up staff time, allowing them to focus on their core mission.
A look at how low-cost scheduling software appropriately tailored to the needs and resource constraints of rural nonprofit transportation providers helps older residents meet their transportation needs.
Well-designed, transit-rich neighborhoods provide many benefits to residents of all ages, as I document in, “ Independence Found in Downsizing to a Transit Rich Neighborhood.” These neighborhoods also provide dividends to the larger community, generating higher property values, rents, and revenue…
Most of us take our mobility for granted. We grab our keys and head out to work, buy groceries, and shuttle our kids to movies and soccer practice—all without a second thought. But for the one-third of Americans who don’t drive and many others who lack access to a working vehicle, transportation…
In 2009, a truck struck and killed Beverly Shelton’s grandson, Zachary, who was walking inside a marked crosswalk and accompanied by an adult. The driver had rolled through the stop sign rather than make a complete stop.