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Jennifer Schramm

Jen Schramm, MPhil, SHRM-SCP, GPHR, is a senior strategic policy advisor at the AARP Public Policy Institute. Her areas of expertise include employment trends, policy challenges and opportunities related to workers and jobseekers ages 50 and above, and skills and credentialing for mid- and late-career workers. Read her full biography.
Companies that seek to retain older workers should ensure that upskilling and promotion opportunities are available to workers of all ages.
Older workers must not be left behind as rapidly evolving technologies create new industries and occupations.
Here's how the loss of millions of workers from the labor force over the last few years is influencing today's workplace.
Small business trends influence the 50+ workforce, who represent a larger share of the workforce in small firms than in large ones
Despite the demand for an educated workforce, college enrollment continues to trend downward.
Unemployment data reveal the ongoing discrepancies in unemployment rates among older workers by race, ethnicity, and sex, many of which further intensified during various points in the pandemic.
Many of the workers who retired during the pandemic were already at or beyond retirement age, making them less likely to return to work. But workers in the 65+ age group can be drawn back into the workforce under certain conditions.
Until the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, older women were among the fastest-growing demographic groups in the US workforce.
Will some retirees return to the labor force?
In many ways, we are still in the eye of the storm when it comes to seeing the employment effects of COVID-19.
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