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Jill Greenberg

Last night there was another set of primaries/caucuses in the march towards November and as part of my regular commentary, here's the skinny from the CNN exit polls. There were only exits from Wisconsin (since Washington and Hawaii had caucuses) and again, 50 plus voters were half of the electorate…
Worth a Look: Over the weekend, the Wall Street Journal did a really interesting piece about the 12 people who are changing retirement. AARP's John Rother was included, but he's not the only one doing remarkable things. The list includes Professor Joe Coughlin of the MIT Age Lab, who is helping…
In the dark of a Friday night before a long weekend, the Administration proposed a non-solution to exploding health care costs - raise premiums on those in Medicare. Unfortunately, this ignores the elephant in the room, the entire health care system needing reform. I've written about this a dozen…
Our colleagues at New Jersey AARP are working hard to curtail predatory lending practices, particularly when it comes to annuities. Instead of me explaining it, check out the video below courtesy of
Over the next few days, Tammy Gordon will be filling in to give you the latest and greatest on all things AARP. Be sure to check back often to read her posts. As for me, I am off to warmer climates.
Last night, the Senate addressed something I know concerns all of you - the sluggish economy. It is continually cited as people's top concern, regardless of party affiliation. They did it by passing an economic stimulus bill that is fair and timely and includes help for those who need it, including…
Yes, I've written about it before. And yes, I am going to talk about it again - Medicare and Medicaid. Our growing fiscal stress is not really about the coming retirement of the baby boomers, but the ever exploding cost of health care for everyone. Check out the graphic below, courtesy of the…
Variety's talking about it, so we should too. AARP The Magazine held their 7th Annual Movies for Grownups Awards this week, taking home the coveted La Chaise d'Or (the Golden Chair), a trophy in the shape of a vintage theater chair. The awards honors those in the 50+ crowd that are continuing to…
Yes, there is collective nail biting across America tonight as we all watch the primary results roll in. There are some exit polls coming out tonight that give us a sense of what the electorate looks like. And we know, as expected, that folks are overwhelmingly concerned about economic issues and…
Today, millions of Americans will hit the polls to decide who should represent their party in the upcoming Presidential election. One thing we know about the electorate is that as many as half of them could be over the age of 50. In 2006, about half of those who went to the polls were 50+. So far…
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