Last night, Floridians went to the ballot box to select their candidates in the primary. Over 60 percent of those who showed up in Florida yesterday were 50 and over, according to CNN's exit polling.
Yes, we are Florida obsessed today, but so is the rest of the blogosphere. Check out this posting on Huffington Post about yesterday's rally in Hollywood. Good stuff.
I mentioned it last night briefly when talking about the State of the Union, but it looks like chapter one of the tale of the economic stimulus package could unfold later today with an anticipated vote in the House.
If you thought last night's presidential address was severely lacking on the issues that matter most to Americans, you're right. In fact, an analysis by the National Journal's Congress Daily showed that the president spent just 10 percent of his 53 minutes on the economy and even less on health…
Even though there's been a huge focus on the next occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, tonight the current occupant had some thoughts about the state of things. The focus naturally, as on the campaign trail, was on domestic issues and in particular the economy.
This morning Good Morning America highlighted the winners of AARP The Magazine's 2008 Faces of 50+ Real People Model Search, showing men and women who show that beauty and style don't expire as you age. Check out the beautiful winners here or in your mailbox in the March/April issue of AARP The…
We're trying to keep up with these milestones... today the Lego brick celebrates its 50th anniversary . It's hard to believe such a simple toy has endured over the years, especially with all the new things kids have to choose from. I wonder if kids will still be building houses and cars and…
While we are in Florida, there's been some big happenings in South Carolina on the Democratic primary front. One of the more interesting things from last night's exit polls is this nugget reported by the Associated Press: