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Mary C. Hickey

In English | AARP anunció hoy que Jo Ann Jenkins fue nombrada directora ejecutiva de la asociación. Tomará las riendas de la organización de 37 millones de socios en septiembre, reemplazando al actual director ejecutivo, A. Barry Rand.
AARP announced today that Jo Ann Jenkins has been named chief executive of the organization. She will take the reins of the 37-million member association in September, replacing outgoing CEO A. Barry Rand.
At the bustling convention center in downtown Boston, a lot of people seem eager to learn as much as they can about personal technology.
The tables were stacked high with groceries: pasta, peanut butter, cans of peaches and beans. In front, an assembly line of volunteer workers packed them in brown paper bags and passed them along to be loaded into cartons for delivery to a food bank.
Spouses who are caregivers are significantly more likely than other family caregivers (adult children, for example) to perform many of the tasks that health care professionals do - including medication management, wound care, using meters and monitors, and more.
If you've got a young girl in your life - a daughter, a niece, a granddaughter, a young friend - here's a campaign you definitely should know about: Ban Bossy.
Late yesterday, I got an email reminding me that today is the first annual "Bring Your Parents to Work Day."
As a "working mother" since the late 1980s, I've read - even written - countless stories over the years on challenges of trying to juggle kids and a career.
Last night's episode of HBO's Girls opened with Hannah, an aspiring writer, discussing a potential assignment with the editor of a website, Jazzhate. The editor shows Hannah a wall where the words "This is Your Comfort Zone" are inside a frame. Off to the side, it says: "This is where the magic…
The Sunday Styles section of yesterday's New York Times featured an article entitled, " The End of Courtship," about the complicated dating scene that millennials are navigating as they struggle to find a romantic partner.
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