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Nancy A. LeaMond

Nancy LeaMond is the chief advocacy and engagement officer for AARP, widely seen as one of the most powerful advocacy organizations. Leading its government affairs and legislative campaigns, she has the responsibility of driving the organization’s social mission on behalf of Americans 50-plus and their families. She also manages public education, volunteerism, multicultural outreach and engagement, and she directs major AARP initiatives that include supporting family caregivers through advocacy, education and innovative programs, and expanding AARP’s local footprint in communities across the country.
On Monday, we — as a nation — celebrated the 240 th Anniversary of Independence Day. Many of us turned on our grills, took in a parade, watched fireworks or spent the day with family and friends. Where and how we celebrated is in many ways emblematic of our freedom to choose our own path.
You may not have been aware, but this week is National Volunteer Week — a time to thank our nation’s more than 62 million volunteers for the experience and passion they dedicate to improving their communities. Those millions of volunteers’ contributions total an annual economic value of $184…
En inglés | Piensa en cuán ajetreada y caótica la vida diaria puede ser, al buscar un balance entre tu carrera, hijos, finanzas y más. Ahora imagina también tener que cuidar de un padre, cónyuge o hijo con discapacidad, quizás las 24 horas del día. Cada día unas 40 millones de personas en Estados…
It’s a long road to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but the 2016 election has begun. As I sit here after the final totals are being tallied for South Carolina and Nevada, I thought I would share a couple of insights that I’ve learned coming out of the first couple of caucuses and primaries.
En inglés | AARP envió la siguiente carta al Congreso el 14 de octubre.
Every month, I learn about a new holiday or commemorative date to raise awareness. From the sublime to the ridiculous, there are 30 such commemorations in April, including Vitamin C Day and Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day. While there’s a lot to celebrate about taking your vitamins — and taking…
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