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Patrick Kiger

Last week the Obama administration started publishing comparative data on what more than 3,000 hospitals across the nation charge for services - information that has long been hidden from consumers. And the results were pretty shocking.
OK, so Jeralean Talley of Inkster, Mich., who was born on May 23, 1899, isn't quite the oldest person in the world - that distinction belongs to Jiromon Kimura, a Japanese man who turned 116 in April.
Wayne Miller, who died on May 22 at age 94 in Orinda, Calif., captured iconic images of such a wide range of subjects that it's almost hard to believe that a single person even saw all these moments, let alone photographed them.
Thinking about your eventual retirement? If you're relatively well-off, you're probably confident that your tax-deferred savings will provide your major source of income. But if you're at the other end of the income ladder, you're more likely to count on Social Security benefits to tide you over.
Age UK, a British organization that strives to help older people get more out of digital technology, is hoping to win financial support from Google's Global Impact Challenge for what could be a revolutionary idea. It wants to help thousands of people in Great Britain reminisce about their past via…
When the annual Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) conference began in 1984, the Los Angeles Times called it "an obscure gathering of engineers, theorists and artists." But in the nearly three decades since then, TED has morphed into a series of mind-expanding showcases staged in several…
John Goddard, who died on May 17 at age 88 in Glendale, Calif., was a swashbuckling, globe-trotting adventurer of such renown that Dos Equis could have used him instead of an actor in its "Most Interesting Man in the World" commercials and not had to exaggerate his achievements. He was the sort of…
As you've probably noticed, congressional events increasingly seem to feature movie stars such as Harrison Ford and other celebrities as a way of gaining public attention for an issue. But at the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging's Healthy Aging Forum, scheduled for May 23 on Capitol Hill,…
One day in August 1965, UCLA film graduate Ray Manzarek was walking along Venice Beach in Los Angeles when he had a chance meeting with an old college acquaintance named Jim Morrison.
A just-published article on the news website Slate focuses on the little-known fact that Eleanor Roosevelt, who became famous and widely admired as an activist for causes such as integration and international human rights, possessed a handgun permit from New York state. The permit, issued to her in…
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