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Notable News from January 11

I always find "trendspotting" interesting, and it's especially ubiquitous at the beginning of a new year. Here is a short but interesting article from the Associated Press today that takes a stab at what is on the forefront of home design, and in addition to "drama" taking the lead in the kitchen, aging in place is noted as an upcoming trend! Builders are taking note of people's desire to remain in their own homes for their whole lives.
Another trend at the beginning of this year: commitment to paying off debts. Check out these stats from McClatchy (reporting on a TD Ameritrade study) that show that Americans are keen on saving more and reducing their personal debt. I know I fall into that category - how about you?
Finally, the story of the troubled nursing home system in Illinois that we've talked about before continues today in the news - here is an article from the Chicago Tribune from this weekend that reports that federal officials are investigating a North Side nursing home that had 66 felons living among its 400 residents in December. Check out the article for all the details - it is disturbing if you ask me. The behavior of some of the nursing home residents definitely put other residents, and even the surrounding neighborhood, in danger.

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