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The Takeaway: Cancer Death Rates; Clarence Clemons Dies

Cancer deaths down but disparities still exist. ... The overall cancer death rate declined between 1990 and 2007, according to the latest statistics by the American Cancer Society.  However, the report finds disparities still exist among socioeconomic and racial groups.   ... Speaking of cancer: "Despite all the recent news about possible cancer risks from cellphones, coffee, styrene, and formaldehyde in building materials, most of us probably face little if any danger from these things with ordinary use, health experts say." ... One more: FDA says heavy Actos use may be tied to bladder cancer.

... Autopsies on the decline. "Today, hospitals perform autopsies on only about 5 percent of patients who die." Autopsies play a critical role in helping to health experts understand diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Economist: Older adults can lose edge, investment savvy. "By the time you hit your late 50s, you are going to be peaking in your decision-making - a mixture of brainpower and experience ... But after 65, you face a greater chance that you will be slipping a little on mathematical calculations" ...  With executive pay, rich pull away from rest of America ... Taking care of your parents. Pittsburgh-area experts take a closer look at last week's study on a how many adult children are not prepared to be their parents' caregivers.

... 'Historic Moment' for Gay Rights and the U.N. "The United Nations endorsed the rights of gay, lesbian and transgender people for the first time ever Friday, passing a resolution hailed as historic by the U.S. and other backers and decried by some African and Muslim countries."

Clarence Clemons

... By now you've heard the news: Clarence Clemons died Saturday of complications following a stroke. Instead of trying to say anything about the legendary E Street Band saxophonist, we'll leave it to his friend Bruce:

Clarence lived a wonderful life. He carried within him a love of people that made them love him. He created a wondrous and extended family. He loved the saxophone, loved our fans and gave everything he had every night he stepped on stage. His loss is immeasurable and we are honored and thankful to have known him and had the opportunity to stand beside him for nearly forty years. He was my great friend, my partner, and with Clarence at my side, my band and I were able to tell a story far deeper than those simply contained in our music. His life, his memory, and his love will live on in that story and in our band.

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(Photo: Ronald C. Modra/Getty Images)

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